Transportation Advisory Committee

Chair: Councillor Jeff Shields
Vice-Chair: Councillor Jason Lum

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is a Select Committee established by Council. The purpose of TAC is to serve as an advisory/liaison body between Council and the public. The committee will concentrate its efforts on policy and procedural issues relating to transportation, traffic management and transit. In addition, the committee will receive, at the Chair's discretion, presentations from groups or individuals who wish to provide comment regarding transportation in Chilliwack. The committee will be advisory to Council with respect to its bylaws and policies and their application to the transportation sector to ensure that they are in the general best interests of the entire municipality.

Important documents

2024 Terms of Reference

2024 Committee Meeting Dates

Committee Minutes

Date Minutes
February 23, 2023 TAC Minutes
April 20, 2023 TAC Minutes
June 22, 2023 TAC Minutes
September 28, 2023 TAC Minutes
February 22, 2024 Discussion Notes
April 18, 2024 TAC Minutes