Population and Development Statistics

Chilliwack has an estimated population of 101,700 as of 2022, including First Nation communities within city boundaries. The last 5 years have seen steady growth, adding approximately 7,900 residents over this period at a rate of 8.4%.

Population Estimates and Projections

The geographic distribution of the City's population is highly concentrated in the urban corridor area from Fairfield Island in the north through to Promontory in the south. The table on the following page illustrates this population distribution by neighbourhood for the Census years of 2011, 2016, and 2021.

Neighbourhood Demographic Profiles

Demographic profiles provide more detailed information about different neighbourhoods using Statistics Canada Census information. Following the full release of 2021 Census data, profiles will be prepared for 12 areas covering the entire community, including First Nations. The profiles will include information about population, age, income, education, employment, housing, and diversity.

Other Statistics

The City tracks many other statistics and indicators to better understand trends in the community, policy objectives, and industry changes. This includes gathering internal statistics and reviewing other agencies information, such as residential unit types, development application statuses, rental rates, or health profiles.