Municipal Departments
For general inquiries please call the main reception at 604-792-9311 or email [email protected].
The Municipal Administrator’s office provides administrative support to Council, Committees of Council and departmental operations, ensuring the most cost-efficient delivery of services to the public.
The Communications Department works directly with Mayor and Council, and all City departments, to support communications, marketing and public relations activities.
Development & Regulatory Enforcement Services
The Development and Regulatory Enforcement Department is responsible for the City’s land use planning (zoning, subdivision, etc.), including the regular updating of the community’s Official Community Plan. The permitting and inspection of residential, commercial and industrial buildings is also coordinated by this Department as well as the licencing of businesses and dogs.
The Engineering Department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Municipality’s infrastructure
The Finance Department is responsible for the financial management of the City including: payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, property taxes, water/sewer utility billing, coordination of the City’s Comprehensive Municipal Plan and the budgeting process.
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Fire Department
The Fire Department’s primary responsibility is fire response with the Department also actively involved in fire prevention programs.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department consists of an team of professionals who strive to maintain success for the City, its managers and employees alike.
Information Technology
The Information Technology (IT) department provides computer related technical support services to all departments of the City, including the RCMP
Legislative Services
The Legislative Services Department carries out a wide variety of statutory responsibilities and supports the legislative matters and decisions of Council. This involves maintaining transparency, accountability and integrity, while protecting personal and confidential information.
The Planning Department is responsible for current and long range planning, development (rezoning, ALR applications and permits) business and business licensing.
Public Works and Parks
The Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City's sanitary sewer, potable water, roads, open drainage, storm sewer and dyke infrastructure.
Chilliwack RCMP Detachment is part of an integrated regional force that serves the Upper Fraser Valley area. This regional force includes detachments in Hope, Agassiz-Harrison and Boston Bar.
Recreation & Culture
The Recreation & Culture Department is responsible for the coordination and/or the provision of leisure services within Chilliwack.