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WWTP Disinfection Upgrade Back
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Bid Information


Design, detail, fabricate, and provide an open channel, gravity flow UV disinfection system capable of achieving the effluent limits specified in the document.  The UV system shall be a complete and functional system and shall include but not be limited to:  UV lamp modules; control panel; electrical, instrumentation and control components; lifting device; cleaning rack; automatic level controller; automated cleaning system; and accessories specified in the document and required for the installation of the system.

October 12, 2004 3:00 PM

Sealed quotations, in separate envelopes marked "R.F.Q. WWTP Disinfection Upgrade" will be received by the City of Chilliwac no later than 3:00 p.m. local time, October 12, 2004. 

Quotations should be submitted in a sealed package clearly addressed as follows:

"R.F.Q. WWTP Disinfection Upgrade"
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

Attention:  Mr. Robert Carnegie, City Clerk

Request for Quotation documents can be obtained on or after September 9, 2004 from the following at no cost:

City of Chilliwack
Main Reception Desk
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

The document may also be downloaded from the City's Web page

David Blain
Project Manager
(604) 793-2841
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
RFQ WWTP Disinfection Upgrade Request for Quotation Adobe Acrobat File 489KB
Addendum 1 - WWTP Disinfection Upgrade Addendum Adobe Acrobat File 12KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.