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Found 1 Event ...
Heritage Chilliwack Society January MeetingJan 11, 2024 - Jan 11, 2024
Location: Homestead Room - The Royal Hotel
E-Mail: [email protected].

Heritage Chilliwack Society January Meeting Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 7 PM in the Homestead Room of the Royal Hotel. Our speaker this month will be Jeff McCord. Jeff has been with Nickel Bros House Moving Ltd. since 2006, helping to rescue well over 120 homes during his tenure. He has long been passionate about architecture and historic preservation, at one point having served as executive director for the “Southwest Seattle Historical Society,” a non-profit based near his home in West Seattle. Jeff enjoys working toward policy improvements with municipalities and county governments in both Canada and the United States. You do not need to be a member of the Heritage Chilliwack Society to attend our meetings! If you have any questions or require further information please email [email protected].

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