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Capital Project Management Support for Utilities Projects Back

Provide Project Management Services to ensure that the Water and Sanitary Sewer capital projects are properly managed from start to finish, including, but not limited to, planning, scheduling, cost control, coordination, and oversight. 

The Services, in general, required by the City include: 

• Act as the Contract Administrator for each design-build project. 

• Project cost estimating, as needed 

• Preparation of contracts (City standard contract documents), as required 

• Managing Quotation / Tender / RFP Processes, as required 

• Preparation of reports, status reports and Council authority requests 

• Lead pre-construction meetings, prepare meeting agendas, and provide periodic update 

   meetings with the City. 

• Review all applicable permits and other documents provided by the design-build 

   team/contractor, and provide recommendations. 

• Provide construction inspection services required for design compliance. 

• Provide technical supports, respond to RFI’s, and issue site instructions as needed. 

• Provide technical inspections as required. 

• Review change order requests and provide recommendations. 

• Complete deficiency walkthroughs and prepare deficiency reports, certificates, etc. 

• Other project delivery tasks as may be applicable to specific projects. 

April 16, 2025 3:00 PM


Chikezie Nwaoha
Project Manager
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
V2P 8A4
[email protected]
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Capital Project Management Support for Utilities Projects Request for Proposal Adobe Acrobat 1,165KB
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