Bid / Tenders

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2025-01 Active Transportation Upgrades Yale, Knight, Hocking & Mcintosh Back

To supply all labour, materials and equipment to provide approximately 1.46 km of infrastructure improvements for Active Transportation including but not limited to concrete, asphalt, drainage, street lighting, traffic signal, ditch realignment, road widening earthworks, landscaping works, signage, road markings and property restorations. 

March 26, 2025 3:00 PM


Keegan MacIsaac
Project Manager
[email protected]
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
2025-01 Active Transportation Upgrades Invitation to Tender Adobe Acrobat 834KB
1 - Site 2 Knight Rd and Site 5 Yale Rd. Drawings Adobe Acrobat 7,033KB
2- Site 5 Yale Road Electrical Drawings Adobe Acrobat 716KB
3 -Knight Road - West of Rail Crossing Drawings Adobe Acrobat 2,921KB
4 - McIntosh and Hocking Drawings Adobe Acrobat 11,684KB
5-Hocking Ave Asphalt Rehabilitation Drawings Adobe Acrobat 4,014KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.