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2025 Borehole Soil Investigation Back

The City of Chilliwack requires the service of a Geotechnical Engineering firm to perform a series of subsurface investigations, soil corrosion testing, contaminated material testing, and groundwater level and monitoring within various project limits. This work includes prior to the geotechnical exploration field program for utilities locating, traffic management, and traffic control during the drilling, borehole sealing, and surveys of borehole locations after completion. The prime contractor is responsible for coordination among multiple parties includes observing drilling activities, logged soil recovered from the drilling, and collected and transported soil samples for laboratory testing.

January 22, 2025 3:00 PM


Luke Sun
Project Manager
604 793 1897
[email protected]
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2025 Borehole Soil Investigation Request for Quotation Adobe Acrobat 1,811KB
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