Low Cost and Free Food Distribution Organizations in Chilliwack
FDO Type | Contact | Program |
Salvation Army Care & Share Center Food Bank 45746 Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC |
604-792-0001 |
Available to residents in need of short-term assistance and can be accessed once per month with a total of 12 per year. Clients must book an appointment with an intake worker from the Care & Share Centre. |
45746 Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC
604-792-0001 |
Offers one free meal a day during the lunch hour and is for adults (19+) only.People with children are referred to the Food Bank. |
Ruth and Naomi's Mission Community Dinner 46130 Margaret Ave Chilliwack, BC |
604-795-2322 |
A safe house in the inner city of Chilliwack, they provide evening meals, clothing, showers, health information, counselling and spiritual guidance to the homeless as well as those in need. |
45845 Wellington Ave Chilliwack, BC |
604-795-5773 | 24/7 Resource Centre and Emergency Housing for homeless and vulnerable youth. Serves snacks, lunch, and dinner daily and is a satellite Food Bank location. Breakfast is available daily to youth living in its Emergency Housing Program |
Better Beginnings Prenatal Nutrition Program Neighbourhood Learning Center 46361 Yale Rd Chilliwack, BC |
604-701- 4678 ext 4 | Pregnancy Outreach program dedicated to providing pregnant women and mothers with infants less than 6 months old with nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and infant care support. Breakfast and lunch on Thursday. Preregistration required, must be pregnant. |
604- 732-1331 ext 248 |
Food Skills for Families is a hands-on program that makes healthy eating, shopping and cooking easy, quick and fun. Over 6 sessions, people learn how to make healthy meals, snacks and beverage choices and gain confidence in the kitchen. Programs are delivered to at risk populations, are supported by The Canadian Diabetes Association, and focus on healthy eating, not diabetes. |