Chilliwack Fire Department
A comprehensive community risk assessment and composite staffing model provide a solid foundation for our operations, which include fire prevention, training, emergency preparedness and emergency response. We expertly serve our residents and visitors across a 260 square kilometre area and provide fire protection services for all residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies located within our city.
Our composite department is staffed with approximately 45 full-time and 123 paid on-call (POC) firefighters and officers who capably respond to incidents from six strategically located firehalls.
89% of our incidents and structure fires occur in the firehall 1 (Downtown) and firehall 4 (Sardis) geographic response zones. We staff these firehalls 24/7/365 with full-time firefighters who receive 24/7/365 support from our 123 POC firefighters, dispatched from six strategically located firehalls.
Our expert training, fire prevention and emergency preparedness staff work diligently to assess and mitigate our risks. Our dedicated and well-trained firefighter and officers respond to emergency incidents such as alarm activations, medical aid incidents, motor vehicle incidents, fires, and burning complaints. Visit our Quarterly Reports page to view our current statistics.
Chilliwack Fire Department Quarterly Report & Stats:
About Us
Information about the Chilliwack Fire Department.
Fire Hall Locations
Map of the Fire Station Locations (including Address)
Fire Incidents
An important aspect of a community risk assessment and management program is to compile and analyze fire incident data.
Fire Life Safety Education
Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!
Open Burning
Information about restrictions that apply to open burning in Chilliwack, which is limited to two separate seasons per year.
Paid On-Call Firefighter Recruitment
The City of Chilliwack recruits Paid On-Call (POC) firefighters annually in the fall for the recruit training program.