Other Statistics

A wide variety of statistics are available to help understand the community, which are provided below.


Rental Units

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) conducts a rental survey every October to gather data about rental units across Canada. The summary for Chilliwack is provided below, and further information is available through CMHC's website.

There are about 3,775 purpose built rental units in Chilliwack, with an average rent of $1,032 per month. The vacancy rate has remained steady around 1.5% for the past 6 years.

Adaptable Units

A minimum of 50% of all new apartment units must be built to the Adaptable Housing Standards of the BC Building Code in accordance with the City’s Zoning Bylaw. Adaptable housing is an age-friendly approach to housing design and construction where homes can be modified at minimal cost to meet occupants’ changing needs over time.

Over the past 10 years, more than 1,200 adaptable units have been constructed in Chilliwack. 

Other Units

Additional information will be added over time as data becomes available.

Development Applications

View the City's Development Application Tracking Reports for the last five years below:


Other Agencies