2023 Annual Report

CITY OF CHILLIWACK I 2023 Annual Report 58 y Potable water system. y Sanitary sewer system. y Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Utility Operations Department provides water and sewer service to over 20,000 properties within the municipal boundaries. Utility Operations maintains and operates: The Utility Operations Department is also responsible for overseeing and monitoring drinking water quality as well as the operation and maintenance of various systems: UTILITY OPERATIONS 1,200 FIRE HYDRANTS DISMANTLED, SERVICED & REBUILT 2023 HIGHLIGHTS 580 LINEAL METRES OF AGING STORMWATER DRAINAGE PIPE REPLACED 26 ROAD CULVERT INSPECTIONS 1,855+ REPAIRS & PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE WORK ORDERS COMPLETED ✅ Developed a smoke testing program used to identify areas where unwanted groundwater is entering the sanitary sytem. ✅ Purchased a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) unit to ensure work site is safe and all sub-surface infrastructure is located prior to excavation. View from the Vedder Bridge Chilliwack City Staff y 10 drinking water production wells. y 15 potable water pump stations. y 19 water reservoirs. y 55 sanitary pump stations. y Four drainage pumping stations. y Over 1,500 km of sanitary sewer mains and water distribution pipes. y Wastewater Treatmeant Plant.