2023 Annual Report I CITY OF CHILLIWACK CITY OF CHILLIWACK I 2023 Annual Report 20 21 STRATEGIC GOAL #2: GOOD STEWARDSHIP OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE Ensure proactive and preventative maintenance of roads, utility, water systems, civic facilities, municipal fleet, and other municipal infrastructure to maximize life span. HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2023 ROAD AND UTILITY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Maintain utility systems, minimize service delivery interruptions and meet pavement quality index goals for roadways. Ongoing investment in the road rehabilitation program, resulting in seven kilometres of roads repaved. Completed and updated survey and report for the City’s current road pavement conditions and maintenance methodology to supplement the asphalt rehabilitation program Replaced approximately 450 metres of aging cast iron pipes. Completed inspections of 26 road culverts to ensure safe condition and ongoing maintenance of assets. Upgraded the Vedder and South Sumas Road intersection to better accommodate traffic volumes and improve intersection safety. Constructed a multi-use path, with two flashing crosswalks and new streetlighting, on Chilliwack River Road to improve active transportation safety. Upgraded railway crossing signals on Yarrow Central and Vedder Roads to meet new Transport Canada regulations. Maintenance of surface infrastructure at ten railway crossings. Replaced two aging traffic signal controllers and completed one full traffic signal upgrade. Installed back-up battery systems at two signalized intersections in the event of power outages. Design and permitting of Wastewater Treatment Plan outfall rehabilitation underway. Completed construction of Promontory Zone 2 Reservoir and Zone 2 and Zone 3 Booster Pump Stations. Completed installation of a temporary centrifuge facility at the Wastewater Treatment Plant to improve bio-solids removal and management. Replaced 580 lineal metres of aging downtown stormwater drainage pipe. Procured a stormwater infrastructure master plan to evaluate the condition of the storm drainage network and to identify infrastructure replacement needs and funding requirements. Repaired sections of Hope River Road and Camp River Road embankment and roadway damaged by flooding. Planted 4,500 new trees along sections of Hope River and Camp River Roads. STRATEGIC GOAL #2 CONTINUED: GOOD STEWARDSHIP OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE Ensure proactive and preventative maintenance of roads, utility, water systems, civic facilities, municipal fleet, and other municipal infrastructure to maximize life span. HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2023 MUNICIPAL FACILITY AND FLEET MAINTENANCE Extend the life of buildings by funding repairs and maintenance in a timely manner. Maintain fleet for optimal performance and life span. Regular maintenance and roof inspections completed. Major stage lighting system upgrade at Cultural Centre. New lighting, paint, and layout in the weight room, plus a new divider curtain and refinished floor in the gym at Cheam Leisure Centre. Installed new ultraviolet system for disinfecting the pool water and replaced sand filter media at the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre. Completed the restoration and finishing of the hardwood flooring in Evergreen Hall. Completed new addition to City Hall. Completed interior painting at Evergreen Hall. Continued the replacement of older fitness and gym equipment at the Cheam Leisure Centre and Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre. 527 heavy duty vehicles/equipment serviced and inspected. Completed over 1,855 repairs and preventative maintenance work orders for equipment and fleet. WATER QUALITY Ensure an adequate water supply and maintain potable water standards. Stage 2, 3, and 4 summer watering restrictions implemented, and extended to October 15, to conserve water during drought conditions. Water samples tested weekly and quarterly through a drinking water quality testing program for a variety of parameters. Completed the semi-annual water main flushing, reservoir cleaning and production well repairs. Completed the East Chilliwack groundwater supply feasibility study and exploratory well drilling investigation.