2023 Annual Report I CITY OF CHILLIWACK CITY OF CHILLIWACK I 2023 Annual Report 18 19 COUNCIL’S STRATEGIC GOALS Council’s strategic goals provide a framework for the decisions made by Council and guide the City’s approach for delivering services to the community. Financial Stability Plan for current and anticipated community needs while maintaining reasonable property tax levels for taxpayers. Good Stewardship of Municipal Infrastructure Ensure proactive and preventative maintenance of roads, utility, water systems, civic facilities, municipal fleet, and other municipal infrastructure to maximize life span. Environmental Stewardship Encourage waste diversion and a "zero waste" philosophy, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases while protecting waterways, riparian zones and airsheds. Strong Neighbourhoods Support accessibility, inclusion, diversity and truth and reconciliation. Fostering community spirit, attracting community events and supporting cultural groups, while providing high-quality parks and recreational opportunities. Vibrant Economy Work to create an environment that is positive for business creation, and contract with CEPCO for economic development. Connected Community Provide opportunities to hear from the community, meet with other levels of government and share information throughout the community. Organizational Excellence Employ recruitment strategies that focus on attracting the best workforce, while providing opportunity for internal advancement. Provide focus on workplace safety and on-site training while encouraging ongoing professional development. Customer Service Ensure employees receive customer service training in order to provide excellent and efficient service to the public. Community Safety Offer a wide range of services to support safety and sense of belonging in the community. Support RCMP initiatives and improvements in traffic safety. STRATEGIC GOAL #1: FINANCIAL STABILITY Plan for current and anticipated community needs while maintaining reasonable property tax levels for taxpayers. HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2023 ADDRESS COMMUNITY NEEDS Prepare for anticipated and unanticipated community needs. Completed the annual update of our long-term Comprehensive Municipal Plan, outlining short-term priorities and anticipated long-term needs. Planning and funding strategies are built into the Comprehensive Municipal Plan for projects that may be eligible for future infrastructure grants to ensure municipal funding portions remain in place. BALANCED BUDGET Fund planned capital expenditures without longterm borrowing debt and identify grant opportunities. All capital expenditures funded without long-term debt in the 2023 Comprehensive Municipal Plan. Completed successful applications for available government grant funding programs, to help offset project costs. Ongoing grant research for eligible project opportunities. REASONABLE PROPERTY TAXATION Maintain reasonable property tax levels and ensure new growth pays for itself. Chilliwack continues to have a low business class property tax multiplier. Chilliwack maintains the lowest general municipal taxation levy, on a representative home, when compared to 19 Lower Mainland communities surveyed. With the inclusion of water, sewer and curbside waste collection fees, Chilliwack’s total fees are lower by an even greater margin, while providing vast services and amenities. Reviewed Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw and amended rates accordingly to ensure growth-driven capital needs are completed and funded by DCCs where eligible.