2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report I CITY OF CHILLIWACK CITY OF CHILLIWACK I 2023 Annual Report 14 15 City Council Mayor Ken Popove Councillor Chris Kloot Councillor Jason Lum Councillor Bud Mercer Councillor Jeff Shields Councillor Harv Westeringh Chilliwack City Council includes the Mayor and six Councillors who are elected for a four-year term. Members of the current City Council were elected in October 2022 and took office on November 1, 2022. Councillor Nicole Read Boards & Committees Affordable Housing and Development Advisory Committee Councillor Harv Westeringh (Chair) Councillor Bud Mercer (Vice Chair) Agricultural and Rural Advisory Committee Councillor Chris Kloot (Chair) Councillor Harv Westeringh (Vice-Chair) Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee Councillor Jason Lum (Chair) Councillor Jeff Shields (Vice-Chair) Chilliwack Business Improvement Association (BIA) Councillor Jeff Shields (Liaison) Chilliwack Arts and Cultural Centre Society Board Councillor Jeff Shields (Liaison) Chilliwack Community Advisory Board (Reaching Home) Mayor Ken Popove Councillor Harv Westeringh Chilliwack Community Safety Governance Committee Councillor Bud Mercer (Chair) Clint Hames, Former Chilliwack City Mayor (Vice-Chair) Mayor Ken Popove Chilliwack Creative Commission Councillor Jason Lum (Liaison) Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation Mayor Ken Popove (Ex-Officio) Councillor Nicole Read (Liaison) Chilliwack Healthier Community Mayor Ken Popove (Chair) Councillor Jeff Shields (Alternate) Chilliwack Parks and Trails Advisory Committee Councillor Bud Mercer (Chair) Councillor Harv Westeringh (Vice-Chair) Design Review Advisory Committee Councillor Chris Kloot (Chair) Councillor Bud Mercer (Vice-Chair) Emergency Executive Committee Mayor Ken Popove (Chair) Councillor Jason Lum Councillor Chris Kloot Fraser Valley Aboriginal Relations Committee Mayor Ken Popove Councillor Jeff Shields (Alternate) Fraser Valley Regional District Board Mayor Ken Popove Councillor Jason Lum Councillor Chris Kloot Councillor Bud Mercer Councillor Nicole Read (First Alternate) Councillor Jeff Shields (Second Alternate) Councillor Harv Westeringh (Third Alternate) Fraser Valley Regional Hospital Board Mayor Ken Popove Councillor Jason Lum Councillor Chris Kloot Councillor Bud Mercer Councillor Nicole Read (First Alternate) Councillor Jeff Shields (Second Alternate) Councillor Harv Westeringh (Third Alternate) Fraser Valley Regional Library Councillor Nicole Read Mayor Ken Popove (Alternate) Heritage Advisory Committee Councillor Nicole Read (Chair) Councillor Bud Mercer (Vice-Chair) Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel Councillor Jeff Shields Councillor Harv Westeringh Councillor Bud Mercer Public Art Advisory Committee Councillor Nicole Read (Chair) Councillor Harv Westeringh (Vice-Chair) Public Safety Advisory Committee Councillor Bud Mercer (Chair) Councillor Nicole Read (Vice-Chair) Tourism Chilliwack Councillor Harv Westeringh (Liaison) Transportation Advisory Committee Councillor Jeff Shields (Chair) Councillor Jason Lum (Vice-Chair)