Annual Report 2021 77 76 City of Chilliwack CITY OF CHILLIWACK NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended December 31, 2021 City of Chilliwack Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2021 7 Tangible capital assets (continued): Opening 2021 Ending NBV NBV Accum. Amort. Amortization Disposals Accum. Amort 2021 2020 General Land - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,642,264 $ 141,697,810 $ Buildings 56,456,292 3,704,856 - 60,161,148 87,538,590 88,448,517 Equipment and vehicles 25,820,593 2,929,238 (1,314,578) 27,435,253 21,193,771 19,592,441 Engineering structures 170,206,106 8,150,266 (1,173,883) 177,182,489 245,595,285 223,788,028 Under construction - - - - 25,236,095 28,435,635 252,482,991 14,784,360 (2,488,461) 264,778,890 530,206,005 501,962,431 Water Land - - - - 2,026,328 2,026,328 Buildings 137,690 1,949 (134,764) 4,875 22,298 146,177 Equipment and vehicles 1,013,842 383,183 - 1,397,025 2,660,244 2,395,506 Engineering structures 70,087,808 3,256,330 - 73,344,138 129,278,962 128,820,381 Under construction - - - - 2,006,384 1,170,478 71,239,340 3,641,462 (134,764) 74,746,038 135,994,216 134,558,870 Sewer Land - - - - 1,643,155 1,643,155 Equipment and vehicles 1,274,886 203,926 - 1,478,812 1,721,454 1,711,844 Engineering structures 96,908,784 5,080,676 - 101,989,460 183,079,253 173,257,959 Under construction - - - - 912,528 5,713,157 98,183,670 5,284,602 - 103,468,272 187,356,390 182,326,115 CEPCO Land - - - - 196,196 196,196 Buildings 1,455,043 153,348 - 1,608,391 3,769,133 3,929,716 Equipment 236,936 6,131 - 243,067 50,265 49,916 1,691,979 159,479 - 1,851,458 4,015,594 4,175,828 Tourism Chilliwack Goodwill - - - - 6,120 6,120 Buildings 118,493 1,635 - 120,128 7,785 9,420 Equipment 201,411 9,803 - 211,214 9,241 18,384 319,904 11,438 - 331,342 23,146 33,924 423,917,884 $ 23,881,341 $ (2,623,225) $ 445,176,000 $ 857,595,351 $ 823,057,168 $ The fair value of tangible capital assets contributed to the City during the year is as follows: 2021 2020 Engineering structures 2,788,648 $ 6,060,679 $ Water 524,097 1,033,188 Sewer 490,742 713,415 Land 3,578,786 - Building 165,000 - 7,547,273 $ 7,807,282 $ CITY OF CHILLIWACK NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended December 31, 2021 City of Chilliwack Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2021 8 Government grants and transfers Included in government grants and transfers are Federal Gas Tax Agreement Funds of $7,329,158 (2020 - $3,583,604). Gas Tax funding is provided by the Government of Canada. The use of the funding is established through a funding agreement between the Municipality and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. Gas Tax funding may be used towards designated public transit, local roads and bridges, community energy, water, wastewater, solid waste, disaster mitigation, amateur sport and recreation, culture, tourism and capacity building projects as specified in the funding agreement. 9 Accumulated surplus: Accumulated surplus consists of individual fund surplus, statutory reserves and surplus invested in tangible capital assets as follows: 2021 2020 Operating Funds Unrestricted: General 13,202,755 $ 16,848,074 $ CEPCO 1,902,234 6,520,428 Tourism 870,732 588,650 Water Fund 3,250,000 3,150,000 Sewer Fund 3,560,000 3,410,000 Building - Protective Services 1,607,957 3,803,462 Landfill 10,419,805 8,351,246 Sewer future works 7,911,660 9,613,887 Water future works 12,236,558 11,953,927 Work-in-progress 8,862,500 6,474,000 Soil removal 486,016 596,586 Future property acquisition 937,036 937,036 Federal Gas Tax Agreement funds 12,424,054 6,593,832 Other 10,211,440 10,786,005 87,882,747 89,627,133 Statutory Reserve Funds General Capital 18,846,459 25,272,712 Equipment Replacement 5,040,018 3,419,319 Subdivision Control 998,186 1,043,108 24,884,663 29,735,139 Investment in Tangible Capital Assets & Property Under Development General 530,206,005 501,962,431 Water 135,994,216 134,558,870 Sewer 187,356,390 182,326,115 CEPCO 12,361,102 7,857,788 Tourism 23,146 33,924 865,940,859 826,739,128 978,708,269 $ 946,101,400 $ 10 Collections for other governments: The City collects and remits taxes on behalf of other government jurisdictions as follows: 2021 2020 B.C. Assessment Authority 1,168,225 $ 1,099,243 $ Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District 3,358,192 3,271,910 Municipal Finance Authority 5,477 5,067 Ministry of Education 43,588,270 33,762,482 Fraser Valley Regional District 2,579,458 2,420,700 50,699,622 $ 40,559,402 $ These taxes are not included in revenues within the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Surplus of the City.