Annual Report 2021 23 22 City of Chilliwack STRATEGIC GOAL #3 CONTINUED: ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Encourage waste diversion and a “zero waste” philosophy, while working to protect waterways, water course riparian areas and the airshed. HOWWE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2021 WASTE DIVERSION Achieve a 75% curbside program waste diversion rate by 2025, promote a “zero waste” philosophy and maximize recycling initiatives ✓ Curbside diversion rate of 68% in 2021. ✓ Zero waste initiatives including curbside recycling and compostable programs. ✓ Supported Fraser Valley Regional District with the region-wide separation requirements to separate recycling and compostables in all sectors through an update to the City’s Solid Waste Management Bylaw. ✓ Adopted Single-Use Item Reduction Bylaw, which will come into effect in April 2022. SUSTAINABILITY Explore renewable energy opportunities, facilitate sustainable transportation and prepare long- term plan for landfill ✓ Provided free transit for National Seniors Day and supported implementation for provincially mandated free transit for children under 12. ✓ Converted 1,021 streetlights to LED, which is over one-third of the City’s ornamental streetlights. ✓ Continued the conversion of lighting to LED in City Hall, the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre, Cheam Leisure Centre and the parking lot at Heritage Park. ✓ Received early grant approval for future work to capture waste heat from the Chilliwack Coliseum and transfer it to the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre. This is estimated to reduce the City’s greenhouse gas emissions by 553 tonnes (11.6%) per year. ✓ Procured a second electric ice resurfacing machine for the Sardis Sports Complex. ✓ Awarded federal ZEVIP Grant for 22 level 2 EV chargers, and provincial Clean BC Grant for two level 2 and two level 3 EV charging ports to be installed at City facilities and parking lots. ✓ Consistent reviews and implementation of landfill financial planning strategies to ensure continued economic sustainability. STRATEGIC GOAL #4: STRONG NEIGHBOURHOODS Support accessibility, inclusion, diversity, and truth and reconciliation. Fostering community spirit, attracting community events and supporting cultural groups, while providing high quality parks and recreational opportunities. HOWWE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2021 PARKS AND TRAILS Provide and enhance quality parks and recreational opportunities Over 100 parks and 100 kilometres of trails in City. Allan Creek and South Sumas Parks added to the parks inventory. Included playground accessibility improvements in the 10-year CMP. New green gym facilities installed at Webster Park. Playground upgrades completed at James Street Park. Upgraded the pickleball facility at Kinsmen Park, on Portage Avenue. New skate park facility added to Rosedale Park. Upgraded existing trails in Mt. Thom Park. Completed the Thornton Creek Trail from Uplands Road to Promontory Road. 10-year master plan for Vedder Greenway commenced. Continued work with FVRD to enhance regional connections in Chilliwack. Downtown improvements on Yale Road, included the installation of 10 new banners, poles, and basket options with irrigation. TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION Build relationships of mutual respect and understanding with local First Nations Relationship building through Indigenous Connect Meetings. Staff utilized the Indigenous author library to further their education and understanding. Honoured the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Implemented land acknowledgement at the start of Council meetings and in staff email signatures. Illuminated the Vedder Road roundabout artwork orange. Staff and Council have continued their education, including Indigenous Cultural Safety workshops through the Chilliwack Economic Resource Network. Funding received from the Province of British Columbia’s Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program, through partnership with Tzeachten First Nation, for new pedestrian connection on Chilliwack River Road from Promontory Road to Bailey Road.