Annual Report 2021 19 18 City of Chilliwack STRATEGIC GOAL #1: FINANCIAL STABILITY Plan for anticipated community needs and maintain a reasonable tax burden for taxpayers. HOWWE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2021 ADDRESS COMMUNITY NEEDS Prepare for anticipated and unanticipated community needs Completed the annual update of our long-term Comprehensive Municipal Plan (CMP), outlining short-term priorities and anticipated long-term needs. Planning and funding strategies built into the Comprehensive Municipal Plan for projects that may be eligible for future infrastructure grants to ensure municipal funding portions in place. BALANCED BUDGET Fund planned capital expenditures without long-term borrowing debt and identify grant opportunities All capital expenditures funded without long-term debt in the 2021 Comprehensive Municipal Plan. Completed successful applications for available government grant funding programs. Ongoing grant research for eligible project opportunities. REASONABLE PROPERTY TAXATION Maintain reasonable property tax levels and ensure new growth pays for itself Chilliwack maintains the lowest general municipal taxation levy on a representative home when compared to 19 Lower Mainland communities surveyed. With the inclusion of water, sewer and garbage collection fees, Chilliwack’s total fees are lower by an even greater margin, while providing vast services and amenities. Chilliwack continues to have a low business class property tax multiplier. Reviewed Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw and amended rates accordingly to ensure growth-driven capital needs are completed and funded by DCC’s where eligible. STRATEGIC GOAL #2: GOOD STEWARDSHIP OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE Maintaining roads, water and sewer systems, civic facilities and municipal fleet. HOWWE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2021 ROAD AND UTILITY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Maintain utility systems, minimize service delivery interruptions and meet pavement quality index goals for roadways. Invested $5.5M into the road rehabilitation program. Flushed 120% of water system and 135 km of sewer lines. Serviced 1,000+ fire hydrants. Replaced 3,800 metres of aging cast iron pipes. Replaced 770 metres of existing AC sewer pipes. Completed inspections of 36 large diameter road culverts and 23 bridges to ensure safe condition and ongoing maintenance of structural assets. Inlet works upgrade at the Wastewater Treatment Plant completed. Rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers at the Wastewater Treatment Plant completed. Design and permitting of Wastewater Treatment Plan outfall rehabilitation underway. MUNICIPAL FACILITY AND FLEET MAINTENANCE Extend the life of buildings by funding repairs and maintenance in a timely manner. Maintain fleet for optimal performance and life span. Regular major maintenance and roof inspection completed. Replaced all six HVAC roof top units at Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre with higher efficiency units and upgraded the direct digital control (DDC) system. Upgraded the access and security system at the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre. Major pipework replacement completed at Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre. Four HVAC roof top units replaced on oldest part of City Hall building with higher efficiency units. City Hall boiler replaced with a new higher efficiency unit. Pool basin at Rotary Pool repaired and painted. Interior and exterior pool building painted. HVAC system replaced in the dressing room at Sardis Sport Complex. Sound system at the Cultural Centre upgraded. 134 heavy duty vehicles/equipment serviced and inspected. Completed over 1,600 repairs and preventative maintenance work orders for equipment and fleet.