2019 Annual Report

City of Chilliwack 110 TOURISM CHILLIWACK INC. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) Year ended December 31, 2019 4. Tangible capital assets: 2019 2019 Opening Closing Cost Additions Disposals Cost Furniture and fixtures $ 65,201 $ - $ - $ 65,201 Computers 59,917 1,060 - 60,977 Leasehold improvements 127,915 - - 127,915 Website 81,222 - - 81,222 $ 334,255 $ 1,060 $ - $ 335,315 2019 Opening 2019 Closing Accumulated Amortization Accumulated Amortization Disposals expense Amortization Furniture and fixtures $ 49,292 $ - $ 4,026 $ 53,318 Computers 49,971 - 3,301 53,272 Leasehold improvements 118,512 - 2,820 121,332 Website 75,330 - 2,653 77,983 $ 293,105 $ - $ 12,800 $ 305,905 2019 Opening 2019 Closing Net book value Net book value Furniture and fixtures $ 15,909 $ 11,883 Computers 9,946 7,705 Leasehold improvements 9,403 6,583 Website 5,892 3,239 $ 41,150 $ 29,410 Not included in tangible capital assets is $68,143 (2018 - $68,143) of works of art and cultural assets. During fiscal 2017, when these were purchased they were expensed on the statement of operations. 7