2019 Annual Report

City of Chilliwack 10 Mayor Ken Popove Councillors Sue Knott Chris Kloot Jason Lum Bud Mercer Je Shields HarvWesteringh Deputy CAO Chris Crosman RCMP O cer in Charge Superintendent Bryon Massie Chief Administrative O cer (CAO) Peter Monteith Director of Operations Glen MacPherson Deputy Director of Operations Joe Koczkur Utilities Superintendent Mechanical/Electrical Sandy Hamilton Utilities Superintendent Brendan Kurtz Fleet Operations Manager Jake Nesbitt Manager of Parks Planning Richard Fortin Manager of Accounting Services Megan Winn Manager of Revenue Services Leigh Kreitner Corporate Project Manager Eric Dyck Corporate O cer Jacqueline Morgan Manager of Human Resources Heather Vegh Property Manager Wayne Moseanko Purchasing Manager Kris Meakin RCMP Administration Manager Riley Reimer Director of Corporate Services Jennifer Kooistra Manager of Health & Safety Alan Lucas Director of Information Technology Erik Leidekker Manager of Information Technology Operations Cory Carruthers Manager of Business Solutions Gary Palaniuk Manager of Network Infrastructure & Security Jason Robillard Director of Finance Glen Savard Communications Manager Jamie Leggatt