2018 Annual Report

City of Chilliwack 27 Crime Prevention Services Another key area of support comes from the staff and over 130 volunteers of the Chilliwack Crime Prevention Society who operate out of the downtown Wellington Community Policing and Operational Support Office (CPOS) which offers the following programs: y y Victim Services y y Block Watch y y City Watch y y Speed Watch y y Crime Free Multi-Housing Program The Chilliwack Crime Prevention Society, a separate non-profit organization, receives operational funding from the City of Chilliwack. The Society would not be able to function adequately without the dedication of its many volunteers. All of its employees and volunteers are committed to making Chilliwack a safe place to live and work. The RCMP is very proud of the dedication and hard work these individuals devote towards the safety of the community. Police Visibility, Non-Vehicle Patrols and Seasonal Policing Key police visibility and community relations initiatives include: y y Non-vehicle patrols (foot/bike/boat/ATV) to allow for greater interaction with the public while promoting public safety y y Seasonal policing enforcement and education y y Road safety and traffic enforcement y y Auxiliary Constable recruitment and training RCMP from across the Upper Fraser Valley took part in the tenth annual Stuff the Cruiser event. A total of almost 14,000 pounds of groceries and $9,900 were generously stuffed into police cruisers throughout the valley, surpassing organizers’ expectations and previous year’s numbers . On June 5, RCMP officers, together with Law Enforcement personnel in communities throughout the Lower Mainland, took part in the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR). The LETR is a means for police to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics worldwide. Highlights Cops for Cancer Cops for Cancer Tour de Valley challenged participants on an 800km journey from Tsawwassen to Boston Bar to raise funds for pediatric cancer reasearch and caring support programs. Pink Shirt Day RCMP officers and employees of the Upper Fraser Valley Region LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN