2018 Annual Report

Annual Report 2018 26 Policing The Chilliwack Detachment provides a wide range of policing services from patrol and investigations to proactive services. Operational support is enhanced by support staff (municipal employees, public servants and regular members) fulfilling roles as prisoner guards, records management clerks, court liaisons, information officers, administrative clerks and other administrative assistance. Crime Reduction Strategies Intelligence led policing is a key element to crime reduction as it ensures policing resources are used in a way that will have the greatest impact on reducing crime in the community. The crime reduction initiative focuses on three main tenets: y y prolific/priority offender management y y identifying crime hotspots y y identifying crime causation factors As crime reduction strategies move forward, police will focus on developing more proactive approaches to reducing criminal activity. Prolific Offender Management Program The Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment RCMP Prolific Offender Management Program was launched in Chilliwack in February 2009. It is now a regional program which expands to Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Hope and Boston Bar. Social Chronic Offender Management Program Hand in hand with the Prolific Offender Program is the Social Chronic Offenders Program. The coordinator is a constable working under the supervision of the Corporal managing the Prolific Offender Program. The Constable works closely with the Community Mental Health counsellor in assessing and providing services for those clients with mental health issues. This partnership has successfully resolved issues with repeat clients and has reduced calls for service. Road Safety/Traffic Enforcement The RCMP traffic services unit continues to be proactive, concentrating their efforts on school zones, impaired and distracted driving. Traffic safety is a top priority in the region and traffic members, as well as general duty members, will continue to ensure safety on Chilliwack roads. Public & Internal Education & Training Public education is a key component of the overall crime reduction strategy. As crime trends in the community are identified, real time information and education can be provided to community members to help prevent the crime occurrence. In 2018, the RCMP also focused on the education of members to provide them with additional training and development of skills and tools needed to fulfill crime reduction goals. First Nations Policing Community partnerships have continued to be maintained and strengthened to help address crime issues in First Nations communities. The UFVRD RCMP First Nations Police Unit was selected to conduct a pilot project for the Aboriginal Shield program. This program is similar to the DARE program, including First Nations content and involvement.