2018 Annual Report
City of Chilliwack 25 2018 Number of Calls for Service: 2,836 Community Involvement y Collected over 18,000 food donations for the Salvation Army’s Food Drive y Raised and donated over $25,000 to the BC Burn Fund and local charities y Partnered with Chilliwack Bowls of Hope to serve hot soup to school age children y Chilliwack Firefighters Education Fund awarded 7 post-secondary financial awards y Chilliwack Firefighters Charitable Society awarded 3 scholarships to Chilliwack high school graduates y Chilliwack Fire Department Honour Guard participated in various community events Training y Infrastructure and building construction improvements continue at the Fire Training Centre. The Fire Training Centre was utilized to support the local firefighters and military personnel for deployment to the interior wildfires y Delivered competency based training to 166 firefighters and fire officers in all aspects of fire and rescue services y Delivered training to and graduated 12 new paid on-call firefighter recruits in a five month training program y Paid on-call firefighters contributed over 26,000 hours of community service to training and emergency responses y Provided suppression resources for the BC Interior wildfire efforts y Provided training and support for local Emergency Social Services and Amateur Radio volunteers y Emergency Social Services volunteers provided support and assistance to evacuees as a result of residential fires y Delivered emergency preparedness presentations 344 Fire Responses 578 Alarms Activated 289 MotorVehicle Incidents 148 Medical Calls 253 Burning Complaints 1,052 Public Service Calls 91 Public Hazard Calls 28 Rescues 44 Hazardous Materials 9 Mutual Aid Calls Highlights Emergency Management
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