2017 Annual Report
33 City of Chilliwack 2017 Annual Report y Welcomed 71 large scale events, 42 smaller events and a wide range of local and evening rentals y Attracted approximately 185,000 people y Began the process of upgrading certain aspects of the facility, including the replacement of building lights using a newer and more efficient technology y Received approval fromthe ALR to upgrade the facility to include dedicated entrances on Floors 1 & 2; adding washroom facilities and storage on Floor 1 Highlights Tourism Chilliwack had two Stó:lō Welcome Figures carved on site to help celebrate Canada 150. Elementary schools visited the Visitor Centre where they learned about the history of the Welcome Figures, as well as the value of tourism to our community. It has been three years since the launch of the #ShareChilliwack campaign. The hashtag has now been used over 40,000 times, making it one of the most successful hashtag campaigns for a community our size in all of Canada. The Instagram account now has over 8,000 followers sharing and engaging in the #ShareChilliwack movement. Circle Farm Tour Tourism Chilliwack, along with six Circle Farm Tour partners participated in the Destination BC Remarkable Experiences Program. This program helped businesses that have tourism products craft a great experience for guests and create opportunities for growth to Chilliwack’s tourism industry. The organization’s partners have learned a lot and have developed some great ideas to enhance their experience. y “We are Chilliwack” video series launched and well received by the community and potential visitors y Heightened awareness of The Fraser Valley Regional (with Abbotsford and Langley) Destination Marketing Campaign in the Washington State market y Implemented niche cooperative marketing campaigns: Cultus Lake, Fish Chilliwack, Regional Circle Farm Tour Group, Outdoor Adventure y Enhanced sporting events in Chilliwack by providing welcome packages and other related resources y Launched the “Wander the Great Outside” clothing line y Implemented Year 1 of the 5 year Strategic Business Plan and Marketing Tactical Plan for Tourism Chilliwack y Held 14th Annual Business on the Green Golf Tournament in partnership with the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce Heritage Park The Tulips of the Valley, Chilliwack’s Tulip Festival was a huge success with over 22,000 visitors. Formore informationon the CircleFarmTouror activities inChilliwack visit: circlefarmtour.ca tourismchilliwack.com CHILLIWACKGOLFCLUB 41894YaleRoadWest, 604.823.4544 chilliwackgolf.com DuringyourCircleFarmTour visit ChilliwackGolfClub for abreakonour relaxingpatio,overlooking the scenicgolf course.Our licensedbar&kitchenoffer a great selectionof local craftbeer&wine,while ourkitchenprovidesoptions from shareplates toheartyburgers&home cutFrenchFries. BonusOffer: presentyour CircleFarmTourbrochure and receiveone complimentarybasketofourhome cutFrench Fries (oneper table,withpurchaseof abeverage). INSPIREDARTS&GIFTS 42333YarrowCentral, 604.490.8555 inspiredartsandgifts.com Unique -Oneof aKind -LocalArt. Areyou looking for “BCmade”?Over 100 artists represented at InspiredArts andGifts’boutiquegallery including Aboriginal art, jewellery,pottery,glass art, andBCgourmet foods. oUR SpOnsORs A B Share your adventures along the way with #CircleFarmTour S E L F G U I D E D T O U R C H I L L I W A C K PRAIRIE CENTRAL RD BAILEY RD PREST RD TESKEYWAY EXTROM RD D R MORTXE GREENHILL RD THORNTON RD P RO MONTORY H O PE RIVE R RD ELK VIE W RD YOUNG RD MENZIES WELLINGTON AVENUE HODGINS RD YALE R DW EST AIRPORT RD YO UNG RD PROMONTORY VEDDERRD VEDDER MO UNTAIN RD SIMMONS RD NO.3 RD SINCLAIR RD BLACKBURN RD NO.2 RD NO.3 RD BOUNDARY RD YALE RD EAST FIRST AVENUE PRIEST RD YALE RD EAS T CHILLIWACK CENTRAL RD HIGHWAY #1 HIGHWAY #1 LICKMAN RD LUCKAKUCKWAY V EDDE R RD YALE R DWEST BARROW RD CANNOR RD CHADSEY RD YALE RDWEST AITKEN RD H IGHWAY #1 EXTR OM RD RYDER LAKE R D WI L S ON RD SLEEP Y HOLLO W RD COLUM B I A VALLEY HWY EAGLE LANE VALLEY R D LIUMCHEN CREEK RD PA R MENT E R RD UNSWORTH RD BANFORDRD GIBSONRD 11 5 15 6 13 7 14 8 9 12 COMMUNITYST B KEHLER 16 YARROWCENTRAL 10 SUMASPRAIRIE RD A 1 SOUTHSUMASRD ADAMSRD HOPEDALERD KEITHWILSONRD SOUTH SUMAS RD EXIT 109 EXIT 116 EXIT 119 EXIT 120 EXIT 123 2 3 4 LEGEnD of yOur tOur FARMEXPERIENCE WINE&SPIRITS 1. ATCHELITZ THRESHERMENS ASSOC.-PIONEERVILLAGE 2. CHILLIWACKCORNMAZE 3. FANTASYFARMS INC 4. TULIPSOF THEVALLEY FESTIVAL 5. OLDYALEBREWING 6. ANITA’SORGANICGRAIN &FLOURMILL 7. CHILLIWACKRIVERVALLEY NATURALHONEYLTD 8. FRASERVALLEYSPECIALTY POULTRY 9. HOFSTEDE’SCOUNTRYBARN 10. KLAASSENFARMS 11. LITTLEMOUNTAIN GARDENCENTRE 12. MINTERCOUNTRYGARDEN 13. RUSTICSOAPCO. 14. SMITS&CO.WFARMCHEESE 15. THELOCALHARVEST MARKET 16. YARROWFARMMARKET FARMSTORE 17,241 people served at the Visitor Centre
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