2017 Annual Report

19 City of Chilliwack 2017 Annual Report Traffic Control Devices Flood Protection - McGillivray Pump Station Upgrade A preliminary engineering design was completed for the McGillivray Pump Station Upgrade project. The upgrades were recommended in the Greendale Drainage Study after extensive flooding occurred in January 2009. The pump station upgrade will increase capacity to accommodate a 1:100 year return period rainfall flood event and will benefit over 750 hectares of agricultural land plus associated homes and outbuildings. Construction will commence in early 2018 with completion expected by December 2018. WATER AND SEWER COMBO PROJECT The project was a combination of one water main installation, one stormmain installation and five sewer mains. The water main installation on Keith Wilson and Wells Road increased supply, fire flow capacity and improved water quality for the existing water system. The sewer mains along Evans, Vedder, Cheam, Hodgins, Princess and Elder replaced aging infrastructure and increased capacity, accommodating future developments. The stormmain installation along Watson Road conveyed storm water away from water productionwells to protect the City’s drinkingwater. UTILITIES PROJECT The project was a combination of a water main and sanitary sewer project. The improvements to the water main along Wellington and Chilliwack River Road resulted in increased supply, fire flow capacity and water quality. The sanitary sewer rehabilitation work on Williams Street replaced aging infrastructure and improved system reliability. Transit Expansion In September, Route #9 - Industrial was added, as well as weekday service to Route #5 - Yarrow/ Greendale. Other improvements included service expansion during peak times on Routes #1 - Vedder and #3 - Chilliwack and extending Route #8 - Tyson to Lindys Drive. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Environmental Services undertook numerous projects over the course of the year to reduce waste and improve the environment. Many of the projects were carried out through collaborations with environmental groups and other community volunteers. Roadside Cleanup Earth Month y Roadside Cleanups - 1 TONNE y Residential Pickup Bulky Waste – 10 TONNES y Adopt a River Event – 5 TONNES y Fraser River Cleanup – 24 TONNES of waste collected y Christmas Tree Composting  Semi-annual City-Wide Garage Sales – 345 RESIDENCES y Green Commuter Challenge y Semi-annual Shred-A-Thon & Food Drive y Japanese Knotweed Management y BC Rivers Day Adopt a River Event - 3 TONNES collected y Community Cleanups by Adopt a Road Participants & Other Volunteers y Waste Reduction Month Awareness y Household Hazardous Waste Day - 11 TONNES collected y School Presentations - 500 STUDENTS participated y Scrap Metal Recycling - 125 TONNES collected Roadway markings were installed on over 450km of roadway, including centreline markings, stop bars, crosswalks, bike stencils, school stencils and railway crossings. A total of 1,932 roadway reflectors and 25 snowplowable reflector lenses were installed in 2017. These reflectors assist with identifying centreline and lane lines in adverse weather conditions. Roadside delineators have also been installed at the intersection of Tyson and Evans Road to protect cyclists on the curved roadway. They were further installed at Keith Wilson Road and Lindys Drive to help provide temporary pedestrian refuge for the crosswalk at this intersection.