Infill Development Policy

The City’s growth management strategy (Official Community Plan) is focussed primarily on the redevelopment and densification of existing urban areas in accordance with best practices for infill development, established development targets, land use plans, and design guidelines. This policy establishes expectations to ensure new development:

  1. fits the context, character, and pattern of existing development and the promotion of green front yards;
  2. supports and encourages walking, cycling and transit use;
  3. supports streetscape character, visibility and access to the street for safe and inviting streets and public spaces;
  4. ensures useable on-site amenity space with an adequate balance of private amenity and public outdoor gathering and recreational space for the well-being of residents; and,
  5. supports adequate on-site parking.


  • Click here to read Policy Directive G-32 (Infill Development Policies)